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Curse of the Pharaohs ...

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  • Curse of the Pharaohs ...

    Curse of the Pharaohs ...

    The secret of this tall building since five thousand years is still obscure in spite of all discoveries in the month of September 2002, reveal a new room inside the Great Pyramid

    Consists of the Great Pyramid than 2.5 million stone and the weight of the king's chamber 20 tons and covers an area of ​​the pyramid more than half a million square feet and rises in the air more of 411 feet
    Built the pyramid to be the four corners towards the polar magnetic of the earth, and comes side of the pyramid East Khafre, a pyramid, the only one who still holds granite at the top and is located directly in front of the Sphinx is also said to the face of King Khafre, and then comes the pyramid of Menkaure is Adgarham takes Ahram the three a total of pyramids surrounding the Notables representing people and some members of the royal family of Al-Ahram, but this is too small compared to the previous Bathlath

    Secrets of the Great Pyramid

    Although the construction date back to five thousand years, but the discoveries are still in a row in the Great Pyramid and the latest of these discoveries is what happened long ago in September 2002

    When it was brought to the robot and was admitted to open a small, but what the story of this hole

    Back in 1990

    In one year, chapters of the spectrum observed high humidity to 95% and the piece was requested German mission to clean the air vents in the pyramid with the knowledge that these openings made ​​Pharaohs themselves had not been newly developed

    And actually arrived in the German team to begin work in the project began in the third room of the Pyramid of Khufu was agreed to manufacture a robot to be able to enter into the ventilation slots and start racing was completed during the period of the king's room and moved to the Queen's Bedroom

    And here I began this story

    After the introduction of the robot to open ventilation and Gedo that there is something hampered Since the robot is installed by Kamiry has seen a small door about 20 * 20 cm

    This door has two handles of copper is the first time in which they are found on the copper inside the pyramid

    Now, in September 2002

    After 12 years comes to a team of scientists to Egypt to show the process of opening the veil on the secret of this section and has already been brought robot is placed in the hole has been supplying Bkamiry robot loader, and also to be able to drill the door to see Makhalafh

    After the completion of the drilling process was a surprise, which is that there are still another door, behind the small door, which was discovered has already begun research and study to find out how to get to the door, which is located behind this door

    Unfortunately, due to the discovery, but we can not wait to see what could be the secret behind this door ???????

    Eternal life in ancient Egypt and how mummification

    The pharaohs believed that there is another world after death, where every king or official has the ability to cost of embalming and mummification, the initiates with the largest amount of food and clothes and even the shroud was proud of all of them commissioned

    They believed that the body if the best state to accept in the other world and the process of mummification wash the body first and then to open a small hole in the abdomen to extract the internal organs until brain is extracted by the tool is inserted from the nose and then dictate the cranial fluid and the only member that remains in the body is Heart comes after the drying stage where the body was placed with sodium for a period of seventy days to pull moisture from the body and prevent decomposition and finally they were rubbing the body made ​​the ultimate sacrifice
    Types of perfumes are then wrapped in bandages of linen and the heart was left to Laa mummification and the guardian of the underworld in ancient Egypt Anubis was the jackal Notebook head and heart must be light without any sins of many
    It was the keeper of this process is to give the so-called Anubis provided quill truth????

    Afterward comes the role of Aoziryays which he gives permission to enter the other world and the Pharaohs they consider most important to God that he will give them eternal immortality

    Tut tomb uncovered Gnk Amowon

    In the first of November, 1922, On the fourth day to start digging at the site near the entrance to the tomb of Ramses VI, which was discovered by the middle of the valley, found his first degree from the stairs that led then to discover the tomb of Tutankhamun in the fourth of November, The stairs are buried in the rudiment of the broken stones to reach a door carved in the rock was closed blocks of limestone to "despair" of gypsum, clay and found the seals of the cemetery property (jackal and nine bows) and then there was a ramp full of Balrdim connects to the door Login to the lower chambers, which led to the greatest archeological discovery in human history, namely the treasures of King Tutankhamun
    By the mission led by Lord Karner von Howard Carter

    Curse of the Pharaohs

    Death will slay the two wings, anyone who tries to allay the security and peace shrine Lafraain" .. These are the words that were found carved on the tomb of Tutankhamun, which was followed by a series detect strange incidents that started the death of many workers based research in the cemetery, which baffled scientists and people, and make a lot thought the so-called "curse of the Pharaohs."

    Perhaps Howard's dream has been achieved the discovery of the tomb of the king and the piece in Luxor in 1922 with the support of Lord Carnarvon after 3000 years of the death of King
    Then I started Ahaat about the curse of the Pharaohs after the transfer of all the contents of the tomb to the Cairo Museum, where I think most people including some of the archaeologists who took part in the discovery of civilizations Pharaohs the priests of the ancient Egyptian Kdsaboa to Anthm to any person who tries to transfer the relics of the place where it was said that a strong sandstorm raised about the tomb of Tut Gnj Amun in the day it was opened and was seen Saqr Ervr over the area at the same time open the tomb is known that the Falcon is one of the sacred symbols of the Pharaohs after five days of opening the tomb to capacity Baawwadh Lord Carnarvon, a return of his work in the grave Valthpt carefully with Matt Carnarvon Hotel in Cairo and Cairo was cut off electricity to the whole vaguely at the moment of his death
    In ten years, died about twenty people who participated in the process of opening the grave, most of whom died of unnatural causes or suicide Kaljnon
    In 1966, the request by the Inspector of Antiquities of Egypt to send treasures extracted from the grave to Paris to view the dream of that something terrible will happen if left relics go and try to stop this process without the benefit of and after the last session has been denied his request which he walked the Inspector to his house and while he is in one of the street ran over one car died at the hospital, but despite these incidents to be primarily responsible for opening the grave, a Howard did not happen to him, anything strange, where he lived until he reached the age of 66 years and then died natural death, and also one person Egyptians slept in the tomb on the night of his discovery so far of any intruder did not Bai Shi hurt Is there something called the curse of the Pharaohs ??????
    Or is it just some scientists Fantasies

    The modern age .. He revealed the secret of the curse of the Pharaohs

    Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for Antiquities Dr. Zahi Hawass, the cause of the so-called curse of the Pharaohs is a direct gas inside the cemetery, pointing out that the gas is moving direct Alratom inside the cemetery
    He senses in the context of an interview with Radio London that the Commission is trying to Egyptian scientific advisors carefully in order to assist in the study of the nature of the gases within the closed Pharaonic tombs
    He denied the allegations, which claimed that the death of a number of men to the effects of some of the graves discovered due to the curse of the Pharaohs, describing the allegations as rumors
    He pointed out that, prior to entering the cemetery opened for two days to get out of bad air and the entry of fresh air
    He believed that the so-called curse of the Pharaohs adds magic and mystery of this world who are still trying to learn some secrets

    Photo Gallery

    Gnk tomb of Amun and the moment the coffin out .. We also note the presence of a statue of this king

    Tut mummy Gnk Amun, who became king at the age of 8 years and died at the age of 20 years

    But this king is the most Pharaohs perk where when the discovery of the tomb in the Valley of the Kings is the only one that remained intact was all made ​​of gold Maimlkh
    Was a boy of poor health and is reflected in the Sourrp effects, sitting on a throne in a relaxed or a stand based on the Asath or a hunting bird sitting on his throne, as he died on the approximately twenty years old (1337 BC). Having examined the mummy when Discovered and most likely the cause of death then is a disease of pneumonia, as well as tumor in the brain to the presence of a big cavity in his skull

    King Akhenaton, husband Nferjatete

    Statue of Queen Nferjatete famous for their beauty

    King Merneptah .. Of the greatest kings in the Pharaonic era

    Pharaoh .. Ramses II, who said the Holy Quran

    Mummy of King City

    Ramses III


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