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Shubra Palace historic

  • تصفية - فلترة
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  • Shubra Palace historic

    Shubra Palace Museum or the historic Shubra Palace is a historic palaces located in Taif. Created this palace Ali Abdullah Pasha in 1323 and was completed in two years. Was converted into a regional museum for the province of Taif, and opened to visitors in 1415, corresponding to 1995. King Abdul Aziz was taken by the palace when he was visiting Taif


    Shubra Palace was built in the neighborhood of Shubra Taif year (1323 AH / 1905,) is characterized by architectural style blending between typists Roman and Islamic styles with the traditional architecture of the Hijaz.

    The mansion consists of a basement floor topped with a four-story addition to supplements of Foreign Affairs and Gardens

    Content of the museum

    About the museum is given the establishment of the palace, and phases of historical and political developments in, and also contain a set of stone tools and pottery pieces and paintings from rock inscriptions and writings. There is a section for crafts and industries such as mining Taif Taif rose and another section for the old market (called locally Bakhan) and Mlhakyatea such as the types of shops and the old professions, such as: Al-Attar, the jeweler, copper, and Khayat, and others.

    The second floor of the palace was the Office of the Prince Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz, while the palace was a summer home and visitors can access to it.
