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Tomb of Abu Nbrh

  • تصفية - فلترة
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  • عرض
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  • Tomb of Abu Nbrh

    About the cemetery

    Tomb of Abu Nbrh cemetery a historic fall in the village of the country the old in Bahrain is not as valuable as the tomb of high archaeological sites, gravestones carved with creativity and art of sophisticated very grave Abu Nbrh is the resting place comprises the remains of dead villages near and far, but that some of the dead they would recommend their families for burial in this the cemetery, which includes the remains of many of the scientists flags, Alvgahaouamahdthen, says one in which poets:
    Wrote on Ojaddathm names and registered names came immortality
    This cemetery mentioned the late Sheikh Ali bin Hassan Albladi from his grandfather, Sheikh Ali Sheikh Suleiman Ik well: (found on a stone placed on the tomb of tombs of the mosque called Abu Nbrh object in the land of the country's old, what the word: (This is the tomb of an accepted holy Sheikh Salem bin Holy Sheikh Abdul Wahab. died in the fifteenth year of the May 1103 e and the two El Petén:
    O blessed tomb, where an old man and Irit safely complete Knower expert he rest in peace and gifted him the vineyard and silk
    It appears from the words of the mark (Mr. Ahmad Husseini) Sheikh Salem from this village (high) one of the villages of Bahrain.

    Scientists buried where

    This cemetery includes the graves of a large number of scientists flags, such as the investigator of the world, Sheikh Hussein bin Sheikh Abdul Samad Aljbai global-Harthi, the father of the mark (Sheikh Mohammed Global) mercy of God.
    Sheikh Hussein said in Mecca, meaning neighborhood in which to die but he has moved from Mecca to the land of Bahrain, and preferred to stay there, where he saw in a dream that the Resurrection had, and came the command from God to lift the land of Bahrain and where to paradise. He left Mecca to Bahrain, and remained in Bahrain in the business of teaching, grading, worship, writing in the village chapel from the villages of Bahrain to be where he died on the eighth day of the month of Safar (984 AH) and was buried in a cemetery in the country, the old well-known tomb of Sheikh Rashid of the cemetery (Abu Nbrh) and Rthah his son, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Ibn al-Shaykh of the poem (23) house of the opening lines:
    Stand Bataiwal and Zlea Where Salmaha Loro of doses eyelids Jraaha my neighbors fled and settled rebuke and AHA to the heart of the meaning of you and AHA O Thawaya musalla of villages abandoned gained from the analyzed Radwan uncertainty as I lived, O Sea, Bahrain was assembled three were proverbs and Ashbaha third you Ondaha and Ogzarha presence, and Oazbha taste and Ocefaha
    And also the tomb (Mr. Abdul Rauf Bin Al-Hussein Bin Abdel Raouf al-Moussawi Bahrani seriously Hvsa). To evacuate the scientists referred to Mendez was the Chief Justice. The birth year (1013 AH) and died in (1060 AH), and was buried in a cemetery in the Sheikh Rashid Abu Bjbana Nbrh.
    Written on his grave stone two El Petén: your age and what I'm seeing on the ground that he failed to win Ala to the horizon, but if the stage has been removed from Mrasé feel that this earth creationists
    And held a memorial service in the (mosque Thursday) the scene and dumped the elegies and sermons, in the seventh day of his death.
    Also buried in many of the likes of senior scientists, and placed on their graves rocks (Sajat) saying their names. Some of them dating back to thousand years ago. And that many of these stones are eroded and Amtan from the writings and symbols by the progress of time, lack of care of it.
